Architectural Review Required For Home Improvement Projects
The Architectural Review process is designed to maintain the appearance and property values within the Charleston Harbor subdivision. The Charleston Harbor Homes Association Bylaws (Article VI -h) indicate that an Architectural Review Committee shall exist under the direction of the Board of Directors of the Corporation.
"No improvements or structures of any sort shall be constructed on any residential tracts without the prior written consent of the Architectural Review Committee. The structural portions or exterior (including exterior portion) of any building shall not be changed or altered without the like written consent of the Architectural Review Committee. Such approval is required for each phase of construction and applies to new construction or remodeling of existing structures."
BEFORE A HOMEOWNER DOES ANY PAINTING, BUILDING OR MODIFYING OF THEIR PROPERTY, the homeowner must first obtain approval from the Charleston Harbor Homes Association Architectural Review (Appearance Control) Committee (ACC) and the Board of Directors. Request will be reviewed in the order that they are received and dealt with in a timely manner. Most answers are given within 5-10 working days.
Important Architectural Request Update!
Residents, this is a friendly reminder that all Architectural Requests are done through your Brookwater community website. You MUST complete and submit the online “Charleston Harbor ACC Requests Form” for the Architectural Control Committee (ACC) to review. You will receive updates and notifications as to the status of your request through this process.
We ask that you refrain from emailing the old form and please complete the updated online application, so that the ACC receives and may process your request efficiently. You are encouraged to attach photos, plans, materials, etc., to your request and to include as much detail as possible under the “Proposed Improvement” section of the form. This will assist in ensuring a timely review and response.
Requests NOT received through the online ACC Requests system will encounter a longer processing time or may be returned if the application is not current.
Please follow the steps below to Submit an Online ACC Form:
Go to: Brookwater Management Website
- Once you are logged into the platform, go to the tab "Account Info"
- Click on "ACC Requests"
- Complete the form and Submit
Thank you for your attention to this matter!